My books and current projects
The Giving Book, vol 1, vol 2 and now vol 3, are mixed media books from 16, 22, and 33 authors, artists, poets and more   "There's no higher satisfaction than when you do your best at what you are doing...What do you like to give your best at?"... Andre GrantThis series of volumes are artists, poets, writers, and others sharing their hearts with yours.Inspired by the creativity of so many, LS Kirkpatrick, suggested an anthology
that was not just for authors, but for those who express themselves in
ways that make our world unique as each beautiful mind is. From young to older, "Variety is the spice of life", and each volume delivers that spice. Each volume gives even more; profit from the sales on Amazon will go to a non-profit entity. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”. Maya Angelo
Let's write a story together on Amazon Vella Have you experienced a miracle? Do they even happen in today's world? What is a miracle? Join us in vol. 2 of Modern Day Miracles Experienced by Ordinary People and tell your story.
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Entrepreneur? Writer? I guide unpublished writers to get their book in the hands of readers, and I guide new entrepreneurs to reach their vision of success SOCIA TAP
